My Suggestions for the Internet

  1. Style your creations to make them feel unique
  2. Do not use "AI" to generate stuff
  3. The most important part of the internet is the users
  4. Make scripts and browser extensions for customization and cleanliness, but not for creative help or things you can already do
  5. Consider what you would have wanted when you were a kid
  6. In order to count as a user, you must exist in the real world, have a physical brain, have the potential to make mistakes, and have an imagination
  7. You must watch Petscop at least once
  8. Complain about a large tech company at least once
  9. Know (or know someone who knows) how HTTP works
  10. Never put intrusive ads on your website (they must not exceed 8 inches in any direction)
  11. Knowing other users is key to a good social experience
  12. Food is for EATING
  13. GitHub is probably not a good place to host your sensitive code
  14. When someone says "gg", you say "gg" back
  15. If you teamkill someone, quickly apologize
  16. When someone dies, you must press "F" to pay respects
  17. Say "hi" when joining and "bye" when leaving
  18. Don't give your money to strangers
  19. In most places, English is acceptable
  20. If you want to make a tool, using it frequently yourself is a good way to work issues out
  21. Do not joke about dangerous situations
  22. If people are pirating software, it's likely because there are issues with the product, not the people pirating it
  23. If you are going to explain something in chat, try to fit it into one message
  24. Children should not have full access to the internet due to some interests in niche communities
  25. What people are calling "Artificial Intelligence" is clearly not intelligent yet, so the term "Complex Generative Algorithm" might fit better
  26. I am not a lawyer, but copyright, in my opinion, is quite a confusing and poor system for content control
  27. Do not say "Did I ask?" or "Skill issue", since these terms are outdated and do not effectively progress the conversation
  28. AFK players are not to be harmed
  29. If you are designing a game, you must watch PirateSoftware
  30. Most Twitter users are typically wrong about things
  31. Creativity is driven by user interest, not corporate needs
  32. The internet is technically not a very useful technology in the advancement of mankind
  33. Using the internet is not required
  34. You can search what rule 34 is on your own time, given you are over the age of 18 and are not sensitive to naughty drawings
  35. Not everyone likes the same kind of music, but nobody should like modern day country, given it falls under the "corporate needs" category
  36. Pronounce the G in "GIF" like the G in "God"
  37. There are some very ominous and morally flawed religions, so just keep an eye out and try not to upset anyone
  38. Do not fall for corporate greed
  39. Drinks are for DRINKING
  40. Be excellent to each other